Alaska Big Five Wildlife on Land and Sea

(65 Reviews)
98% Recommended

Dan Meister, CMP

Boca Raton, FL
Luxury and Group Custom Travel Agent

“Extraordinary Moments Made Easy” – Seamless Travel for Individuals and Groups

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In today’s busy world with an overwhelming a...

Alaska Bears Fishing on Salmon

For those with the spirit of a true explorer, nothing beats the thrill and awe-inspiring magic of observing wildlife in its natural habitat. And where better to experience this magic than the vast, pristine wilderness during an Alaska Vacation featuring the greatest wildlife theater in North America.

With its diverse terrains and abundant wildlife, Alaska is the perfect stage where the play of nature unfolds in its purest form uninterrupted without borders or fences

For the Ultimate Alaska Authentic Experience, let's wander across the Alaskan tundra and navigate its cool, glacial waters as we meet Alaska’s "Big Five Wildlife" Land and Sea Mammals, along with some distinguished feathered friends.

Alaska’s Big Five: Stars of the Land

1) Moose:  Standing tall with their towering antlers, moose are a common yet thrilling sight in Alaska - especially around Anchorage. They are the largest member of the deer family and their size, grace, and navigation through the thick Alaskan brush is truly a sight to behold. 

2) Caribou:  Roaming across the tundra in enormous herds, the caribou is a symbol of the wild and unspoiled nature of Alaska. It’s incredible to see them in their yearly migration in which they can travel up to 50 miles per day, a spectacle that has played out over millennia. Fun Fact: Caribous in Europe are called Reindeer.

3) Dall Sheep: Famous for their curling horns, these mountain dwellers can be seen perched near steep cliffs in mountain ranges such as the Alaska Range and the Chugach Mountains. 

4) Grizzly Bear:  A sign of true wilderness, grizzly bears are formidable and engrossing to watch in the wild. The McNeil River State Game Sanctuary is known for the safest and most reliable bear viewing. Alaska has an estimated 30,000 brown bears statewide so there is a good chance you may see one if you're in the right area when they are most active in the summer and early Fall when feasting on Salmon to fatten up before winter.

5) Gray Wolf: Stealthy and elusive, spotting a gray wolf in the Denali National Park is a rare treat, a testament of Alaska's untouched wilderness. Wolves are social animals and usually live in social order packs that include parents and pups of the year. 

 Alaska’s Big Five:Wildlife at Sea

1) Steller Sea Lion: The sight of these robust, noisy creatures loafing around on rocky coasts is a common attraction along Alaska’s coastline. Steller Sea Lions can migrate from Alaska to California for food, mating and birthing. 

2) Orca: Witness the thrill of orcas breaching around Prince William Sound and Kenai Fjords National Park. Orcas also known as "Killer Whales" are smart, powerful, graceful and live and hunt in packs. Just be careful if you encounter a wild Orca as they are master predator and may not be as friendly as "Willy" from the movies or "Namu" from Seaworld.

3) Humpback Whale: Whale watching is an Alaskan tradition! Seeing humpbacks lunge-feeding or breaching in the waters of Alaska is a lifetime memory. Humpback whales are found in the Barren Islands between Homer and Kodiak in summer. June and July are the best months to see them feed by bubble-netting where a group of whales will blow a net of bubbles to surround and confuse their prey then swim through the center, jaws wide, to scoop up the food.

4) Sea Otter:  Famous for their tool usage, sea otters are a charming spectacle in waters around the Kenai Peninsula and the Aleutian Islands.

5) Walrus: Gargantuan and somewhat comical, walruses can be found hauled out on beaches in the Bering Strait. Adult males, or bulls, are up 12 feet long and may weigh up to 2 tons; although females are smaller they can weigh more than 1 ton. Bulls are identified by their larger size, broad muzzle, heavier tusks, and many large bumps on their neck and shoulders called “bosses”.

 The Eagle’s Realm:

Sharing the skies of this wondrous land is the iconic bald eagle. Mostly found along Alaska’s coastline and river systems, these mighty birds have been a symbol of strength and freedom. Found only in North America, bald eagles are more abundant in Alaska than anywhere else in the United States. The Alaska population is estimated at 30,000 birds.

The congregation of bald eagles at the Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve in winter is a photographer’s dream and a birdwatcher’s paradise.If you cruise Alaska's Inside passage, you will definitely view lots of Bald Eagles.

Summary:  Alaska, with its rich assortment of land and sea animals and stunning birds, truly presents matchless wildlife viewing opportunities. Witnessing them in their pure element is not just a spectacular spectacle, but also a silent conversation with nature itself. 

I hope this encourages your readers to embark on an Alaskan adventure.



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